Employer Toolkit Resources

Food as Medicine

Event Presentations

Video: Dr. Mariah Stump's presentation

Video: Dr. Neal Barnard and Joel Erickson's presentation


Butternut chickpea stew

Chickpea salad sandwich

Creamy cashew lemon sauce

Nectar of Wellness smoothie

Edamame corn & black bean salad

Books, Apps and Other Resources

Menu planning ideas

Food choices for cancer & survival

Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen

Nutrition for health-food plate

Reading nutrition labels

The Nutrition Rainbow

Ingredient substitution chart

Plant-based eating out in Rhode Island

Plant-based reference sources

Forks Over Knives

The Vegan Starter Kit

Plant Docs

Plant Docs jump start your health flyer

Plant Docs plant-based cooking classes

Plant Docs programs

Plant Docs Resource Page


Rhode Island Department of Health

World Diabetes Day

NEHI Resources 

White Paper/Policy Brief “Triple Threat” Diabetes, CV, & Obesity

GPBGH Resources

Member resource guide

Novo Nordisk Resources

Novonordiskworks.comis a non-branded website that provides resources and information about the importance of chronic weight management and impacts of obesity, on market access stakeholders, and to encourage organizations to take action in providing a comprehensive approach to weight management.

TruthAboutWeight.com: is a website designed for employees/members/patients to learn more about the latest science behind weight loss and management and get answers to questions about how weight affects your health.

Resource library (novonordiskworks.com): Resource Library with educational resources and tools designed to help positive outcomes with weight loss and weight maintenance within your organization.

Other Resources

ObesityAction.org – this website has information on educational tools, obesity treatment and advocacy

Resources focused on addressing weight bias on the Obesity Action Coalition website 

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

Preventing and managing chronic disease not only makes employees, less vulnerable to COVID, it improves over-all health and cuts employee health care costs.  The Department of Health provides information and resources the enables people to better prevent and manage the following diseases: arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes( see diabetes webpage), heart disease, and stroke.  More information here from the Rhode Island Department of Health Center for Chronic Care and Disease Management.

Persuading employees who are employees with chronic conditions to enroll in the RI Department of Health approved and sponsored management program that fits their situation best will protect health, guard against the worst impacts of COVID, and cut health care costs. 

These evidenced based programs run by Community Health Network will substantially improve health outcomes for participating employees and are free or low cost:

Diabetes Prevention Program
1 hour per week, 16 weeks; followed by 6 months of follow up | Free

Helps lower your risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes by eating healthier, increasing physical activity, and losing weight. The DPP focuses on lasting changes that are manageable for each patient. Participants must have a pre-diabetes diagnosis, be screened in based on the CDC screening tool, or have a history of gestational diabetes. It must also be medically safe for them to lose weight.

Diabetes Self-Management Program
2.5 hours per week, 6 weeks | Free

Teaches you to manage symptoms of diabetes such as fatigue, pain, hyper/hypoglycemia, stress, depression, anger, fear, and frustration. Participants must have a diagnosis of diabetes or have a family member, friend, or patient with diabetes who they are learning on behalf of.

Diabetes Education
Requires insurance

CDOEs and CVDOEs are registered nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists who can teach you how to manage your glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, medication, and nutrition. Participant must have a diabetes diagnosis and physician referral to participate.

Tools for Healthy Living
1 hour per week, 6 weeks | Free

Teaches you how to manage symptoms and medications, communicate with family and doctors, relieve stress, eat well, exercise, and set achievable goals.

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
2.5 hours per week, 6 weeks | Free

Provides you with the tools to manage medications, fatigue, frustration, proper nutrition, and communication skills, and teaches you to evaluate treatments and make an action plan.

Walk With Ease
Self-paced, 6 weeks | Free

Teaches you to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life to reduce pain or be more active.

To enroll, contact:

Diabetes Prevention Program - Kelsea Tucker at Kelsea.Tucker@health.ri.gov

Chronic Disease Prevention Programs - Jasmine Franco at Jasmine.Franco@health.ri.gov

Community Health Networks: by email:   Community Health Network at the RI Parent Information Network (communityhealthnetwork@ripin.org) or by phone 401-432-7217

Informational PDF’s for distribution to employees:

American Diabetes Association Resources

Weight Management and Obesity Resources

Flu Prevention

Getting a flu shot is the single best step anyone to take to prevent getting the flu and it is safe. As CDC states, “An annual flu vaccine is the best way to reduce your chances of getting the seasonal flu and spreading it to others. CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older receive an annual flu vaccine. For more than 50 years, hundreds of millions of Americans have safely received seasonal flu vaccines.”

Flu Prevention Resources: