Health & Productivity

  • Did you know that Rhode Island was designated as the first "Well State" in the US in 2007?
  • Did you know that maintaining a healthy workforce not only helps limit employers' health care spending (premiums and claims), but it has also been proven to reduce employee absenteeism and boost productivity?
  • Did you know that the Rhode Island Department of Health and other state and federal agencies offer a wealth of free health and wellness resources to employers?

RIBGH is dedicated to improving the health of working Rhode Islanders. To ensure our members receive the latest information to help maintain a healthy workforce, RIBGH has affiliated with the Worksite Wellness Council of Rhode Island, who now serves as the RIBGH Health & Productivity Committee. The Health & Productivity Committee, comprised of wellness representatives from small and large Rhode Island-based companies and wellness consultants, works to identify and share evidence-based worksite wellness programs that have been demonstrated to deliver a positive result. Initiatives include educational seminars and networking opportunities to share the latest best practices for effective worksite wellness programs.


  • Plan and deliver all-member events that feature knowledgeable speakers and offer employers the opportunity to learn from one another in roundtable sessions.
  • Research and apply for grant opportunities that would benefit our membership by advancing our wellness initiatives.
  • Develop and sponsor specific wellness programs that address the broad-based needs of our membership and deliver tangible value in promoting healthy workforces.